Main Links
- Longman dictionary. Here you can look up words in English for free!
- Cambridge dictionary. This is another free dictionary and it has pronunciation!
- Contemporary Topics 3. You can watch most of the lectures from our course book here. Just click on unit.
- Adv B LS Quizlet Sets. You can find the vocabulary for the class here.
Extra Videos
- TED-ED. 5 Ways that Social Media is Changing Your Brain
- Interview with Daniel Goleman about Social and Emotional Intelligence
- Wealth Inequality in the U.S. explains how wealth is distributed in the U.S.
Pronunciation Recordings
Unit 4. p.38
Unit 3. p. 28
CT Videos
Here is the lecture from Unit 4
Here's the lecture with the PPT notes.
Here's the group discussion
Here is the lecture from Unit 3
Here is the lecture with PPT from Unit 3
Unit 3 Group Discussion
Here is the video from Unit 8 (Surveillance)